Verenigde Staten van Amerika

A Whatsapp group where over 50 Zionist billionaires organized post-Oct 7 counterinsurgency ops, sought to buy off Black celebrities, and dangled legal bribes before NY Mayor Eric Adams to deploy the NYPD vs Columbia student protesters has been exposed

"Some members also offered to pay for private investigators to assist New York police in handling the protests, the chat log shows — an offer a member of the group reported in the chat that Adams accepted," the WaPo reports

Adams' office has denounced the article as antisemitic. In reality, it paints a stark and entirely factual portrait of Zionist mafia dons like Bill Ackman and Kind snack ban founder Daniel Lubetzky embodying antisemitic stereotypes through their crude, manipulative schemes on behalf of apartheid Israel.

Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, CNN’s top two Jewish supremacists who manufactured consent for Israel genocide in the days after 10/7, were chosen to moderate the first presidential debate

Joe Biden, the president who presides over the genocide, will debate Donald Trump and RFK Jr, two candidates who believe he’s not doing enough to guarantee the extermination of Palestinians

One of the most compelling reasons to watch this debate is to see how extensively Israel’s lobbying apparatus controls American politics

🇮🇱🇺🇸 I ask all Zionist-Conservatives to please leave their boomer ways of thinking behind.

Please think about this logically for a second.

I’ll break it down for you:

- A group of people have witnessed their homeland being stolen for 76 years.

- A group of people have seen everything they’ve built be destroyed and taken from them.

- A group of people witnesses their loved ones being murdered, injured, and falsely imprisoned on a daily basis.

Now, after all this happens, the countries that were COMPLICIT in the ethnic cleansing of their people offer to be their host country.

Now, before people say, “oH WhY dO We HaVe tO TaKe iN tHe PalEStiNiaNs?”

Here’s why:

- Israel won’t take them in because they’ve made it clear that they want them gone and want the land for themselves.

- The Arabs won’t take them in because it sets the precedent that it’s okay to kick the Palestinians out of their homeland, and they want the Palestinians to remain in THEIR homeland, Palestine.

- The Israeli lobby runs the US and has MASSIVE influence over multiple European countries and will MAKE them take the displaced Palestinians as refugees.

^ Multiple Israeli politicians have already make it clear that this is their position on the matter.

Now, the US and Europe will have taken in millions of Palestinians who believe, and rightly so, that their new host countries were complicit in the ethnic cleansing of their people.

Then, people will be quick to label them as terrorists because some of the angered Palestinians may commit acts of terror.

This same play has been made with Iraqi and Syrian refugees.

Israel pushes these angry Iraqi and Syrian refugees to the US and Europe, when some of these refugees commit acts of terror, the blame is put on Muslim terrorists and this blame strengthens the illusion of “Judeo-Christianity.”

Well, newsflash: If all these countries weren’t destabilized for the sake of Israel, then millions of angry Middle Eastern refugees wouldn’t be coming to the US and Europe because they’d be living happily in their homeland.

Israel is the cause of all of this.

If you don’t want a bunch of angry refugees coming to western nations, then maybe stop supporting the country responsible for the problem.

Palestine is for the Palestinians.

It’s their homeland and they don’t deserve to be pushed around and ethnically cleansed simply for existing.

And be careful because Israel has their eyes on Iran next.

They’ll lobby for a US-led war against Iran, and then millions of Iranian refugees will be pushed to the west also.

Once you actually use the logical side of your brain, you’ll realize most of the things you complain about are caused by Israel.

Put the blame on Israel.


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