
Nick Fuentes claims that "Jews and Zionists agents are coming out and trying to split apart Muslims and Christians" in order to prevent them from uniting to fight Zionist influence in America.

His argument is a based on a series of deceptions:

He conflates Judaism and Zionism – which is the fundamental false premise of Zionism. Judaism is a religion and Zionism is a nationalist ideology that internalized anti-Semitism and abandon religious belief for an idolatrous practice of land-worship and theft.

He completely overlooks Christian Zionism, which is a primary motivating force for American support for Israel. Christian Zionists outnumber so-called Jewish Zionists by orders of magnitude. Only a dishonest hack would pretend the Mike Johnsons and John Hagees of the world don't exist.

These clearly intentional misdiagnoses serve the very force he claims to oppose. Whether Fuentes knows it or not, he is objectively a Zionist agent.

BREAKING: Listen to Netanyahu speaking to Holocaust survivors:

"If it's possible to enlist the help of Goyim, I am always in.

Roosevelt, who was told what was happening at Auschwitz and Birkenau and in the [other] death camps... his answer was that he would not lose a single pilot and refused to accept the Jews."

Goyim is a deragatory term for 'Non-Jew.'

American Goyim's will be sacrificed to fight and die for their beloved 'Israel' and make up for Roosevelts' failures, I guess.

A lot of people are angry about immigration, open borders etc.

If you want to understand the root cause...really understand it, then read the mind-blowing post below. Here's a teaser:

"The same thing that happened with Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc., is happening with Palestine.

Israel is butchering them with the complicity of our governments, and then they'll send millions of rightfully angry refugees our way while they continue to steal more Palestinian land.

It’s time to say NO.

WE should control OUR governments, not Israel.

If we want to fix our countries, and the world, we MUST address the root cause.

And the root cause is ISRAEL."

The head of the Russian mob and the most powerful gangster alive is Semion Mogilevich

He's Jewish

The head of the Italian mob was Meyer Lansky

He's Jewish

It seems the Russian mob and Italian mob actually answer to the Jewish mafia

Semion is one of the most powerful men in Russia and is even close to Putin

When the Italian mafia was broken up and arrested Meyer Lansky was left a free man because he infiltrated our government

  • Wow
Waarderingen: Surv
Zionism is not fundamentally white supremacy, nor is it Jewish supremacy.

If it were white supremacy, all white people would be afforded privileges by the Zionist state. White supremacy does exist inside Zionist ideology as a secondary contradiction, in which Zionists are afforded privileges based on their racial/ethnic/national category, and non-white foreigners are met with extra suspicion.

Judaism is a religion. It is not and has never been a nation (in the political sense), a race, a culture, or an ethnicity. Anyone can convert to Judaism, however, no one can change their nationality, race or ethnicity.

Zionism seeks to change the definition of Judaism from a religion (belief in God, acceptance of Torah) to a race, nation or ethnicity.

The claim that Zionism is Jewish supremacy accepts the Zionist lie that Judaism is a race.

If Zionism were Jewish supremacy, we would not see Israeli police attacking religious Jews for rejecting Zionism, as we frequently see in Jerusalem.

Zionism is a racist, anti-Jewish and anti-human ideology. Claiming that Zionism is Jewish supremacy reinforces both Zionist and Nazi propaganda about Jews being a race, ethnicity or national body.

Once we disassociate Zionism from Judaism, it has no religious aura, no Holocaust to deflect from its crimes, and its proponents can’t cry “anti-Semitism!” when people criticize its actions.

  • Leuk
Waarderingen: Surv
Among those who calls themselves Jews, there are secular Zionists and secular anti-Zionists, and there are religious Zionists and religious anti-Zionists.

A far greater proportion of the seculars are Zionists compared to the religious.

That tells us that the more secular one is, the more likely they are to be Zionist, and the more religious, the less likely they are to be Zionist.

That’s because Zionism is fundamentally a secular nationalist ideology that falsely defines Jews as a race rather than a religious group. Contrary to what Zionists and anti-Semites would have us believe, the Jewish religion is the most potent ideological force in opposition to Zionism.


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